Jan 15, 2015

Episcopal School of Dallas wants to expand into neighborhood

ESD has bought up a block of neighboring homes and proposes to build a lower school on the properties. The school has acquired 7.6 acres of land zoned for residential properties along its southern border - all located on Montwood Lane and backing to South Better Drive.

The school campus, located at Midway and Merrell Roads, houses grades 5-12 and they plan to move their lower school students from their location at St. Michael's church in the Park Cities. The proposed expansion would also allow the school to grow from the current 1,168 students to 1,300.

Any time a business or school wants to convert a residential area of North Dallas, you can expect some resistance from neighbors. And while a school is generally considered a little less intrusive than a commercial business, they both can bring some undesirable results for the folks who live next to them. And because a school doesn't pay property taxes, like a business or home owner, the benefits to the city coffers are negative.

I wonder if we'll see the same neighborhood protests like we recently experienced with proposed developments near Preston Center? Given the players in the game ( including the school's influential parents and board members), this should be interesting to watch.
[where: 75230]

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