Mar 24, 2014

Home Shopping is like Dating

I've always said that home shopping is like dating.
The process can be really fun or surprisingly dreadful.
As a home matchmaker, I advise would-be lovers to set their expectations right from the start. Here is my analogy:
  • You don't want to fall in love too fast. Look around a bit.
  • Sometimes you have to kiss a few frogs before you find 'the one'.
  • Outside appearances are important, but it's what's on the inside that matters.
  • Online shopping is fine, but you have to get out there and meet them in person to really know if it's a match.
  • It helps to have a list of deal breakers, and a list of what makes your heart flutter.
  • Shop within your league - it's more practical and less heartbreaking.
  • You may not be the only one that wants to live happily every after with them.
  • If they don't love you back (accepting your offer), be prepared to move on to the next one.
  • But if you're too picky or move too slowly, you may end up lonely.
In a recent survey of 1,000 consumers, 69 percent of them admitted to having a “home crush”—a house they liked so much that they were drawn to looking at it repeatedly either online or in person. We call that house stalking.

And the survey results revealed that women tend to swoon over open floor plans, great curb appeal, new appliances and fixtures. And men are more likely to lust after good garage space, curb appeal, and open floor plans.

Whether it’s love or real estate, just remember - the better the prospect, the more competition you'll face to win them over. Are you looking to date the beauty queen or the dreamy hunk? Are you shopping in the popular areas?

Finally, don't get discouraged. They say there is someone for everyone.
[where: 75230]

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