Jul 9, 2010

Bad Photos of Houses for Sale

I think there is a house in there somewhere. But I can't figure out why it looks like you could dock a boat at the sidewalk.
Hubcaps should not stand out more than the house you're trying to sell.
The For-Sale-By-Owner is actually trying to sell the house, not the vehicles.


north dallas homes said...

I agree with you that these photos would certainly not good if someone is using these for selling a house.

houses4sale said...

The best way to find good deals on houses is to check online. This way you save on gas and time and effort too.

houses 4 sale said...

When viewing a house it is always a good idea to have a plan of what you want to find out from the visit. Have this written down on paper, in case you get carried away and forget to ask some important questions.

houses for sale philippines said...

Agreed in full. It's just need more space for the cars. :)
