Dec 1, 2008

New Preston Royal Restaurant?

Looks like a new restaurant is coming to the hood. We may soon be sipping margaritas at Taco Mundo in the space formerly occupied by Gap Kids (and next door to White House Black Market). The proprietor is Caroline Galvan-Rodriguez (co-founder of Mi Cocina's). So this place should be good.
Supposedly, there aren't more restaurants at this intersection because there isn't enough parking to meet restaurant requirements. Guess they'll make an exception for good Mexican food. At least it isn't another bank. Stay tuned.
[where: 75230]


Anonymous said...

GOD blessed Mrs. Rodriguez and all her crew.

Anonymous said...

I hear this is a copy cat of Taco Diner. I would rather go to the real thing, thank you.

Anonymous said...

It's a shame that you would make an assumption based on hearsay..... a narrow mind will rob you of infinite opportunities to experience something new